
Farming and Environment Meeting in Gosmore

Farming and the environment are not just important for our constituency, but are also very important for me personally. We need to maintain our rural environment as best we can and manage our development properly, because once it is gone, it is gone forever.

Hitchin Girls' School Debate

When I was younger, I was lucky to have the opportunity to lots of debating at school and at university. I strongly believe that learning to debate, and speak in public, not only helped me in becoming an MP, but it also really improved my general confidence and love of learning.

Visiting Hearts Milk Bank

It only seems like yesterday when our little boys were tiny babies, and as a family we know first hand how important it can be to new mothers to have advice and support on breastfeeding in the early days of a baby’s life.

Hosting a Debate on Luton Airport Expansion in Parliament

I held a debate in Westminster Hall this morning (9th January) on Luton Airport expansion, in response to the airport’s announcement last month that it plans to more than double its passenger numbers to 38 million per annum.

Bim Afolami MP judges Young Enterprise Christmas Trade Fair

Teams of entrepreneurs taking part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme set up trade stands and sold their wares to the public for the first time at the Hitchin Christmas Fair in the Market Square last Saturday (25th November).